Saturday, May 1, 2010

New Pricing

Here are new pricing for blinkies and banners.

Banner (468x60) = $35

Blinkie (150x150) = $20

Blinkie (150x50) = $15
additional name $2

Personal blinkie (150x50) = $8

Animated Store Banner (size depend on the store) = $20
Blog Banner (static) = $15
Blog Banner (animated) = $20


For package contact me via email:

Preview Maker
For full KIT = $10
For Elements/Paper Pack = $7

These are all posted at REAL size, so if you want to see it clear and completely, please click to the banners.

Scrap for Hire (flattened 12x12 inches)
$8 per page
$38 per 5 pages
$75 per 10 pages
Check my Style here

If you cancel the blinkie during the progress, means I had OR in the middle of the blinkie/banner progress, you still pay with full price. :)


gabs-art said...

kitty, you are doing sooo beautiful!

RachelV said...

All of your banners and blinkies turn out so cute. You have a great business going!

Tammy said...

WOW!!!! Love your stuff. I am passing on your information.

Unknown said...

Kitty, Those are soooo pretty!

AfriDigiDiva said...

Those are awesome blinkies

Unknown said...

Awesome blog!

distresseddiva said...

great blinkies! love them!